Hello Everyone
Copyright © 2012 sammiethesnorkie All Rights Reserved
I am not a big fan of 'Dog Parks'.
Those of you who aren't familiar with them, that is where you take your dog, along with a bunch of other people and their pets, to 'mingle' with the other dogs in an open area. It's enclosed so the dogs can be off of their leash and meet and greet each other.

Sometimes owners bring their aggressive dogs ('oh no, they don't bite')
to the park and that is just asking for trouble.

My neighbor asked if I would come with her to our local dog park today. She'll bring her Cocker Spaniel, Pooh Pooh, and I would bring Sammie. I told her I would go, but not into the enclosed area with the other dogs. Sam will stay on her leash with me while we sit on the bench and watch the other dogs 'frolic'.
It wasn't long before good old Pooh Pooh almost got the poo poo scared out of her. A German Shepard came charging after her and fortunately my neighbor was able to scoop her up and take her through the gate before any dog got hurt. Hate to tell her, 'I told you so'. . . but heck you know I will. lol
While we were sitting on the bench a black and white ShihTzu and his owner sat on the seat next to ours. Sammie noticed him right away and wanted to go and check him out. 

Poor Pooh Pooh was getting jealous but was still having heart palpitations from her recent encounter with the German Shepard. He didn't have the energy or desire to 'fight for his woman'. lol
So Sammie made a friend today, Pooh Pooh is on Valium and I got to get out of the house for a while. All in all a pretty good day.

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