Hello Everyone
Copyright © 2012 sammiethesnorkie All Rights Reserved
If you own a pet, you know how expensive dog beds can be. I have four dogs and at approx $25 for each bed it can be quite costly. 

One of the first ones I bought, I made sure it was the kind you can just throw in the washing machine when it needed to be cleaned. So a month or so goes by and the time comes to wash their beds.
I picked one up, looked at it, turned it over...hmmm. No way is this thing going into my new front loader washing machine.
Instead, I took the beds outside, shook them out and laid them on the grass to soak up some sun.
In the evening I brought them back in and sprayed them with some Febreze.
My Aunt Betty swears by that stuff ( Uncle Kenny smokes cigars and farts a lot)
so if she uses it I know it's good stuff. lol

The dogs all circled around their beds, smelled and poked and decided they would get in and put their smell back on it....all but Sammie The Snorkie. She wanted no part of her bed, one sniff and she headed straight for her pet door. I thought she was just being fussy and she would come around to it eventually. Later I found out how wrong I was....
After dinner I went to the den (where the dogs beds are) and settled down for a quiet evening catching up on a James Patterson book I just got from the library. Sammie still did not want any part of her bed, she laid on the floor as far away from it as she could.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see Sammie's pillow on her bed moving up and down ever so slightly! I take my reading glasses off thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me. omg, there it goes again, up, down, up, down......
The movie, Paranormal Activity, flashes through my brain! I have a haunting in my own home!
Trying to stay calm and not act the fool, I called for the hubby to get in here......'HURRY', I yell! He comes in and all I can do is point to the bed, my voice was no longer working...

He slowly walked over and gingerly picked up the pillow, and out jumped one of those Gecko lizard thingys....ugh.

Immediately my feet are off the floor and under me on the couch. Sammie is running around the living room like she was possessed, hubby is chasing this thing with a broom, and the other 3 dogs are sitting in their beds, heads going back and forth, enjoying the show.
Apparently, the lizard thing hitched a ride in the bed when I had it outside airing out. And now we know why Sam didn't want any part of her bed.
By the way, after about 15 minutes, hubby finally caught the Gecko and placed him back outside. I found out the next day, after telling my neighbor about our safari hunt the night before, that those things are very hard to catch. And if you don't catch them, they multiply like rabbits in your home!! ugh...

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