Hello Everyone
Copyright © 2012 sammiethesnorkie All Rights Reserved
Today was haircut day for 3 of our 4 dogs. Peaches is a long hair Chihuahua and we don't clip her, if we did she would be mistaken for a hairless rat.

I trim the dogs myself because to have them clipped at a doggie salon is much too expensive. At $40 a dog I'm saving $120 each month.
I have just started trimming them myself, so I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. In the kit,
along with the electric clippers, they give you oil for the blade, comb, scissors, 4 colored spacers and a video. I looked at the video and they made it look so easy. I believe the dog they used had to be drunk because none of my dogs would sit still like the dog on the video did, especially when it came to trimming their face and paws.

Before I started, the hubby got out the camera and started taking pictures of each dog. Curious, I asked him why he was doing that. He answered, "I want to remember what they looked like before you trimmed them." I shagged him outside to clean the garage.
Anyway, there was no way I was giving the dogs any kind of fancy haircut, haven't a clue as how to cut a Poodle or a Shih Tzu. And what do you do with a Snorkie?? I started first with Sammie because she looked the easiest. She was till I got to the back part. I was zooming along down her back, clipping away and she was really looking good.....then she decided to bolt for the pet door. Sammie now has a bald spot running down her back, sort of like a skunk. Wonder how long it will take the hair to grow back, I ask myself.
Well, on to the next victim, I mean dog.
Gabby the Shih Tzu actually turned out pretty good except for her tail, kind of got carried away and now she is the only Shih Tzu in the United States that has a hairless tail. Shouldn't take too long for that to grow back either....

Now for Puddles the Poodle. She was the hardest, she has the typical Poodle traits. Didn't like her paws touched, her face trimmed or her belly clipped. Plus, poodle hair is so thick and coarse that the blades had a hard time going through. When I got to her behind I noticed, how can I put this nicely? There isn't any way without just coming out and saying it..... There was a little piece of poop hanging on for dear life right there by her butt. Must have happened when I made them go outside before I started to trim them.
Ugh, I will clean up vomit and wipe up pee pee accidents on the floor, but I cannot do the poop thing, especially by the butt.
Called in the hubby from the garage and handed him the clipper and just pointed to the little poop hanging on. He just shook his head, bent down...zoom zoom...
poop is gone. Except it got stuck in the blade. . . He handed it to me....NO WAY I said. You did it, you clean it. ugh.

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