Hello Everyone
Copyright © 2012 sammiethesnorkie All Rights Reserved
Well, was that just a fluke or did Sammie actually know what she was doing? You know me, I had to try it again. Picked up every one of the bones off the floor and put them back in her bowl. Sat down and watched....nothing. So I left the room and came back a couple of minutes later. There was Sam taking out the last of the cookie's and placing them on the floor to form her 'circle of bones' again.
It's almost like those movies you see on the SyFy channel where everyone is sitting inside a circle with candles surrounding them.
Except in this case it's cookie bones.
After about 15 min or so, Sammie the Snorkie had to investigate a noise she heard out in the back yard. Gabby took advantage of that opportunity to steal 3 of the cookie bones in the circle. She put them in her bed, and proceeded to lay on top of them. In comes Sam and first thing she heads for is her 'circle of bones'. Sniffing around she knows something isn't right and looks right at Gabby who, I think, is 'faking a nap'.
Sammie knows it's a loosing battle trying to keep her 'circle of bones' in order. So Sam joined the rest of the gang and shared/ate the rest of the cookie bones burped, fell asleep, all with contented looks on their faces.
Copyright © 2012 sammiethesnorkie All Rights Reserved
My dogs are in the routine of receiving a cookie bone in the evening for a snack. When I am putting the finishing touches to this blog each night, right before bed, they know will receive an even bigger treat at that time.
I found these huge, real bones (they look like they came from a Woolly Mammoth)
that Sammie the Snorkie especially finds fun and appetizing. Puddles The Poodle and Gabby the Shih Tzu also enjoy the hard bones as well, but, of course, I buy them the smaller ones.

Peaches the Chihuahua would love to munch on one like everyone else, but with her little 'rice' teeth it would be quite a challenge for her.

To make things easier for me, I thought I would just put cookie bones in a dish
on the floor.That way the dogs can just help themselves when they get the munchies. I filled up a dish with some Milk Bone treats, set it down on the floor and left to prepare dinner.

After about 10 minutes, (it was a frozen dinner, didn't take long lol) I walked back into the room and there sat Sammie surrounded by every bone that was in the bowl. She wasn't eating them, she just picked them out of the bowl, made a circle with them and sat in the middle. She wouldn't let the other dogs touch the bones or get in the circle, she nudged them away with her nose if they got too close.
It's almost like those movies you see on the SyFy channel where everyone is sitting inside a circle with candles surrounding them.

After about 15 min or so, Sammie the Snorkie had to investigate a noise she heard out in the back yard. Gabby took advantage of that opportunity to steal 3 of the cookie bones in the circle. She put them in her bed, and proceeded to lay on top of them. In comes Sam and first thing she heads for is her 'circle of bones'. Sniffing around she knows something isn't right and looks right at Gabby who, I think, is 'faking a nap'.

Sammie knows it's a loosing battle trying to keep her 'circle of bones' in order. So Sam joined the rest of the gang and shared/ate the rest of the cookie bones burped, fell asleep, all with contented looks on their faces.