Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Hello Everyone

I walked into the living room and noticed Sammie The Snorkie laying in front of the window, staring out in the distance.   What was she thinking about??? hmmmm.......
"Sammie??! You named me Sammie?! What kind of name is that? I'm not a boy or a R&B singer, I am a Schnauzer/Yorkie cutie. Turbo, Mama Trouble, Digger, Chaos, Miss Chevious, those are names I can relate to, but Sammie?!
Ok, you want to do names here? From now on Mr. Owner is Toothpaste and Ms. Owner is Paprika."

Maybe Sammie's thinking about all of the cute outfits I have bought for her....         

"On no, please don't go in that drawer, that's where she keeps the dreaded 'outfits'. Yikes!! That's where she's heading.  Maybe I can make a dash for the pet door before she notices.....
Too late...sigh."

What Sammie is really thinking:

"My owner is so lucky to have me as part of their life. I'm cute, charming, a real cuddle companion. What's there not to like? And between you and me....I am the luckiest one here to have found such a loving and fun family. Think I'll keep them."

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