Hello Everyone
Copyright © 2012 sammiethesnorkie All Rights Reserved It was such a nice day here at the beach today I decided to take Sammie for a walk along the boardwalk.
Sammie and I love to people/dog watch so off we went.

After arriving and walking for about a block or so, we came across a lady walking her dog, her BIG dog. She stopped, looked at Sammie and asked, "My gosh, what kind of dog is that?" I said a Snorkie.
Well, her high class eyebrow arched and said she never heard of a 'Snorkie'. I explained to her that Snorkies are a fairly new breed, a mixture of a Yorkie and a Miniature Schnauzer. Oh really, she said, what a strange combination and unusual looking animal. This coming from a lady who had at the end of her leash a fat, drooling, 600 pound gross stinky dog.
By this time I knew if I didn't move on down the road and away from her I was going to smack her upside her head.

I kept my mouth shut (and if you knew me you would know how hard that was for me to do) and started to leave. Fancy Pants
says wait a minute, I have a question. Oh man, this can't be good. She asked what my dog's name was. I said Sammie. Oh, he's a boy then. No, I answered, she's a girl. Then she said, 'Why in the world would you name a girl Sam?' Because 'IT'S SHORT FOR SAMANTHA you nitwit' I so wanted to scream at her. Instead, I held my tongue and looked for an escape route out of there. She said my 'TWINKIE' (Twinkie... now if we are pointing out silly names this one is a doozy. "Twinkie" looks like a mixture of moose, kangaroo and goat) would like to meet your Sammie. Maybe they will hit it off and we might end up with little 'Twinkie's and Sammie's.'

Omg, no way would I ever let that happen. Before I could tell her as much she was already taking her mutt off his leash!
I scooped Sammie up in my arms while watching this big mammoth dog come running over to me. Carrying Sam and walking as fast and far away as I could from this crazy broad, I was able to duck into a beach store and safety.
No more walks to the boardwalk for us I decided today. We're staying in our back yard with the socks and underware and Sammie can play with her Cocker Spaniel friend next door, PoohPooh.

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