Hello Everyone
Why is it every time I sit down at the computer my dogs decide they want 100% of my attention?
Kind of reminds me when my kids were young and I wouldn't see hide nor hair of them until I got on the phone! That is when the questions started, the fighting etc. Seems Sammie The Snorkie is picking up where my kids have left off....
When Sammie sees that I will not pay any attention to her while I am busy at my desk, she then focuses on my other three dogs, mostly Gabby the Shih-Tzu. Of course all four dogs are in my office while I am on the computer. Puddles the Poodle (the oldest) will take her nap along with Peaches the Chihuahua. But the two youngest dogs will have no part of nap time. Instead, they feel that is their time to wrestle, play tug of war, run around the room, etc.
Sammie likes to take her toy and throw it up in the air. I can't tell you how many times that toy has landed on my keyboard and messed up the work I was doing at the time. Once it even ended up in my glass of milk. Yewww.
But you know, I wouldn't have it any other way. Your dog(s) are truly your best friend, always there when you need them ready to give you all of their devotion and love.
Just remember this recipe to share with your best buddy every day:
1 cup of awwwwws
1 cup of smoochies
1 pinch of correction
2 cups of praise....
and 3 cups of fun in your office while you are on the computer.
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