Hello Everyone
Yes, you know I had to bring up this subject sooner or later. Dog's farts have got to be the worst. ugh.
I remember back when I was a kid I had this Aunt who believed she was a distant relative of the Queen of England no less. Always dressed in her finest clothes, even if she was just going out to the grocery store. One day she was invited over for a family reunion at our home. Everyone was there, dressed in blue jeans, cut offs etc.....except my Aunt. She had on huge hat, (a family of 4 could have lived in it) pearls on neck and ears, a long dress and those old black shoes that the nuns used to wear. 

So picture her walking around the back yard, drinking her cup of tea with her pinkie pointed up in the air. I was sitting on the porch taking all of this in when in the corner of my eye I see our old dog, 'Lucky' slink up behind her sniffing around. Oh no, I thought, please don't let one go now...
Yep, she did, I heard it all the way where I was sitting.. ~ PFFttttt ~ All eyes turn to the direction of my Aunt. She said something that I will remember forever, "Someone has soiled the air". lol
Now that I am thinking about it, I am not really sure who soiled the air, the dog or my Aunt. :-)
Dogs and farts, husbands and burps....both have become a staple in the American family.
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