Hello Everyone
Thank goodness Sammie has lost all of those sharp puppy teeth. Those days of finding them embedded in her toys (in some cases my hand lol) or lying on the floor are finally over. 

I wasn't aware that puppies are born without any teeth and don't start growing their teeth till they are about 6-8 weeks old. Who knew?
Speaking of teeth, this reminds me of a story I experienced while growing up. I had a Grandma that was the best. I spent a lot of time with her as a kid and wouldn't trade those days for anything.

While waiting for supper to finish cooking, I grabbed a balloon off of the coffee table and tried blowing it up.

No matter how hard I blew, that balloon was not blowing up. Red in the face and out of breath, I asked my Grandma to blow it up for me.
She put the balloon in her mouth and blew as hard as she could. What happened next was both terrifying to me and funny later.
She blew so hard that her false teeth flew out of her mouth and across the room!
Of course, being 5 years old I had no idea that people had false teeth or even what they were.
I thought my Grandma was coming apart, first the teeth, then the head, all those thoughts flew in my head.
She laughed and retrieved her teeth and tried to explain about the false teeth. Once I was settled down and was secure in the fact that nothing else was going to fly out of her body I started laughing as well.
That night lying in bed I came up with a idea. What if I charged my friends 5 cents each to come and watch my Grandma blow her teeth out of her head? Think of the money I would make! 

The next day I got a couple of my friends and went to my Grandma's house, gave her a balloon and asked her to please blow it up for me. And all my friends held up their balloons too. She knew why I wanted her to blow up every one's balloon....
With a smile she asked me why I brought my friends over for the balloon blowing event and before I could explain, Dirty Face Jimmy (that is what I called him because, well you know, his face was always dirty lol) blurted out, 'We paid a whole nickle to see you blow your teeth out of your head'.
Grandma made me give every one back their money and, disappointed they didn't get to see flying teeth that day, walked back to their own yards. 

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