Hello Everyone,
Spending a lovely Sunday afternoon in the backyard soaking up some sun. With cooler weather not too far away, I am taking advantage of this beautiful day.

While outside, Sammie The Snorkie runs to get her Special Toy. This is something that used to be a recognizable object -- a stuffed animal, a basketball, a UPS driver, not quite sure anymore -- but has long since been converted, through countless hours of hard work on Sammie's part, into a random wad of filth held together by 40 gallons of congealed dog spit. 

"Sammie, Give Me Your Ball" I shout, grabbing an end of the Special Toy. This pleases Sammie: It confirms her belief that her Special Toy is the most desirable item in the universe, more desirable even than the old bone she dug up a couple of weeks ago..
For several seconds we fight for this toy, Sammie is whipping her head side to side like a crazed windshield wiper. Finally I yank the Special Toy free and hold it high above my head. (Which isn't too high cause I'm only 5'2).

Sammie watches it with laser-beam concentration,
her entire body vibrating with excitement, waiting for me to throw it . . . waiting . . . waiting . . . until finally I cock my arm, and, with a quick motion I . . .

fake a throw. I'm still holding the Special Toy. But WHOOOSH Sammie has launched herself across the yard, an unguided pursuit missile, reaching a speed of 55 miles per hour before WHAM she slams head first into the lawn chair at the far end of the yard. Her brain is telling her the Special Toy should be here...but where is it?? It's not here!!
Sammie turns, sees the toy in my hand and races back across the yard. Just as she reaches me, I cock my arm and . . .
. fake another throw. WHOOOSH! WHAM! The fake works again! It will always work. I can keep faking throws because Sammie will STILL sprint back to me, sincerely believing that THIS time, I'm going to throw the toy. This is one reason why I love my Sammie, she provides much fun and amusement on this warm sunny afternoon.
After about 20 minutes of running back and forth fetching her Special Toy, both Sammie and myself call it a day. We both walk into the house, me heading for the BenGay 
and Sammie heading for her water dish.

and Sammie heading for her water dish.
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