Friday, October 7, 2011


Hello Everyone

Found out my Sammie loves to dig holes in my yard. 
We're talking moon craters here folks. 
Someone told me dogs dig because they're bored.

What?? How in the world can Sammie the Snorkie be bored?
She has 3 other dogs to play with, a huge fenced in yard to run and more toys than I care to count. 

I read some where that female dogs tend to dig more than male..why you ask? Well, it seems female dogs have a natural tendency to dig a shelter for their young. 

And another explanation is a dog will mimic what they see. In other words, if she saw me digging in the garden she will imitate what she saw me do. 
She has seen me cut the grass...hmmmm.. I wonder if I left the grass trimmer outside...... 

Reminds me of a story when I was growing up. We had a great dog that was given to us by a friend who was moving and couldn't take him with her. The dog was a German
Shepard and a great watch dog. She asked if we wanted him, explaining the dog was an older dog, housebroken, good with kids etc. My mom was an easy sell on this one, my dad not so much. He was the 'old school' kind of guy and felt a dog should be left outside.  My brother and myself begged and begged to have the dog kept inside with us. Even my mom jumped in and said the dog was quiet, housebroken and will teach the kids responsibility. My dad finally gave in and Tootsie (I know, it's a weird name for a German Sheppard, especially when you are calling the dog back into the house. "Here Tootsie" my dad would yell, guess that explains the weird looks he got from the neighbors. lol ). 

Every thing is fine and dandy till one day we went downstairs to the kitchen and Tootsie was lying on the floor not moving. We yelled for our dad and he came downstairs and bent over to check poor Tootsie out. Seems that Tootsie was older than the previous owner thought and she died of old age. 

Dad tried to console us but we were a mess as you well can imagine.

Later that day my Dad said we will have a little ceremony for Tootsie and then bury her in the back yard. Tootsie was a big dog so dad had to dig a big grave. You have to know that we lived in Chicago and Tootsie died in March. The ground was hard and the weather was cold.  We had to be digging for over an hour when it started to sleet. Wet, cold and tired we took turns digging while looking over every so often at poor Tootsie lying a few feet away wrapped in her blanket.

All of a sudden my dad, exhausted, cold and wet, exclaimed loudly for all to hear, "You couldn't have been a damn chihuahua, huh, Tootsie?"

We all stopped in shock and, like the last healing gift we all definitely needed, we all started laughing. When we regained our composure we laid our beautiful Tootsie in the hole and covered her with her blanket and favorite toys. 

Dogs, unfortunately, have a limited time with us here on earth. They are truly a immortal gift to be treasured forever in our hearts.

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