Hello Everyone
Even though Sammie is almost 14 months old she still has a lot of puppy in her. I made a list of things that she still hasn't outgrown and would like to share with you today.
1. Sammie pee's on anything growing in the vegetable garden, mailman, other dogs in the house, and hubby in the lawn chair. (well, she piddles on him cause she's excited).
2. Sammie the Snorkie thinks the following is edible: Spiders, bandaids, Christmas ornaments, the carved jack-o-lantern, plants from the aquarium, litter box contents, toothpaste (tube and all),
books, stockings, the tar shingles on my house, bizarre plants, Legos, dirty Kleenex, the Grandson's used diaper, Christmas stockings, the underwear in the clothes hamper, unopened honey packets; credit cards, and other thin plastic things.

3. Sam thinks the following do not have a right to exist: The humans' shoes, the human's cats, the aquarium; 3rd grade art projects (even if they are made of macaroni shells), the other dogs in the house,
the human's little humans, the bath mitt and my TV Guide magazine.

4. She also doesn't realize the following are not a toy: The humans' shoes, the human's cats, the humans' pet cockatiel, newly planted iris bulbs, laundry (dirty OR clean), aquarium plants, stuffed animals from on top of the chest of drawers, pillows and blankets from the newly made bed, the hose that's filling the kiddie pool, the human's Nerf footballs, and the human's underwear.
5. Sammie still barks at: Plastic bags on the ground, the wind, thunder, the Grandson's new Santa bear toy (which was innocently sitting on a chair, and had been there for hours before Sammie noticed it), tissue paper being blown along the floor by the ceiling fan, the spring doorstop when I or the Grandson flips it and makes it go DOooiiiiinnnnnng, clean laundry thrown on top of the bed - even if the room is dark and it looks like someone sleeping there, the fox/skunk/cat/deer out in the yard at any time after midnight - especially on a work night, the fire hydrant on the corner when out for a walk at night, the answering machine lady when she says the date/time, the ice cube that slid under the fridge, the rawhide chewbone that she's making no headway on, and why does she bark at absolutely nothing? (especially after 11 PM)
6. Sam likes to dig under the sidewalk until it collapses, the carpet, a hole under the porch and then get stuck under it. And last but certainly not least, under my pillow at 2 AM to retrieve the bone she hid there earlier.

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