Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hello Everyone

Most of us spend way too much time on the Internet and I'm certainly no exception. Sammie The Snorkie likes to lie under my desk while I work on the computer, every once in a while looking up at me with those soulful eyes. She might be thinking, 'How much longer is this woman going to be on the computer? I want attention...I want a treat..I want to play'.

Today I went to turn on my computer and noticed it was already on...hmmm....someone was 'snooping' around. Between you and me, I think it was Sammie. Here's why.........

1. Sexy email from some guy named "Binky."

2. Traces of dog biscuits on my keyboard.
3. I found out that I've been subscribed to strange magazines like Fido World.

4. My mouse has teeth marks in it... and a strange aroma of bologna. 

5. Hate-mail messages to the makers of the Wi about their release of "Fancy Cat Game."

6. My new keyboard has a strange territorial scent to it.

7. I keep finding new software around my house like Dog Fancy and WarDog II.

8. On MSN Chat
I'm known as the IronDog.

9. Little doggie carpal-tunnel braces near Sammie's bed.

Yep, Sammie has been busy these past few days. 

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