Hello Everyone
It's amazing to me how much Sammie the Snorkie actually understands what you are saying to her. One or two words, sit, stay, fetch, lay down.... she understands.
And Sammie also has selective hearing, as do my kids and hubby. :-)
For example, I have learned not to say, "Sammie, time for a bath". Those five words will cause her to hit the pet door and not to be seen for 2 hours. Here are a few more: "Want to get your toe nails clipped? Do You Want To Sit on Aunt Betty's lap?"
Lesson learned: Never ask Sammie if she wants to do something you need her to do.
Going back to sitting on Aunt Betty's lap....Sammie did, one time when Aunt Betty first met Sammie. Sam was still a pup and nervous around strangers. Dear Aunt Betty picked up little Sammie and set her on her lap, and wouldn't you know it, Sammie puked all over poor Aunt Betty. And I mean all over.

Lesson learned by Aunt Betty: DON'T try to catch vomit in your hands. A) It doesn't work. B) You don't get points for trying. C) You get vomit in your hands.
Sammie doesn't need to be called, however, when she sees that I am having a bad day... she just knows to come over and nudge me with her wet nose...put her paw on my knee and look up with those gentle eyes of hers as if to say, it's okay Mom....things will be better tomorrow. 

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