Hello Everyone
2011-2012 ©All Rights Reserved.® Sammie the Snorkie loves her cookie bones. I just bought her a box of the large bones today. The medium size ones just weren't enough for her.

Here is the thing though...she'll eat about half of the bone and takes the remaining half and starts to look for a good hiding place. It has to be a corner or cubbyhole.
She'll put it the corner, tucks it in with her nose, then "shovels" air over it! No kidding! She makes these back & forth motions with her nose as if she were pushing dirt over it! One time I tossed a old sock (and we know how Sammie is with socks) where she was working, then left (she would like to think that her hiding place is secret, yeah right. I raised two teen-age daughters. I know where all the nooks and crannies are in this house :-) When I walked over later to check out her 'little space' she had tucked the cookie bone in between the sock.
One time I couldn't find the chihuahua and panicked thinking Sam had hid her in her corner and covered her up with old socks and cookie bones. 

Sammie's lost and found corner has been a source of humor in our home. I've found my 18 month nephew's pacifier,
poor Aunt Betty's used tissue (that was truly icky) and of course the occasional slipper, sock or shoe.

Now when things go missing we know to first go to 'Sammie's Corner and chances are the item will be there, buried between the hubby's boxers, Sam's cookie bone and Aunt Betty's used tissue.

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