Hello Everyone
2011-2012 ©All Rights Reserved.®Don't know about you folks out there, but when I take a shower I like my privacy, always keep the bathroom door locked. I've seen too many horror movies...if there is a scene of a girl taking a shower in the movie you can almost bet she's a goner.

One evening I was getting ready to step out of the tub and I saw a shadow behind the shower door moving around. omg, I forgot to lock the door! All the flashbacks of those dopey movies came to mind.
Looking around for something to throw...I got nothin. A bar of soap, wash cloth, shampoo bottle, towel..Hey wait, I'll throw a towel over their head and run out of the bathroom and call the police.
With towel in hand I flung it over and thank goodness I hit the target!
Running out of the room I turned back and saw my 'intruder' was none other than Sammie the Snorkie.
After finally catching my breath I looked for Sam... she still had the stupid towel on her head. Turns out Sammie LOVES to have towels thrown ON her!
If I throw one on her, she'll walk around the entire room with the towel on her head. Sammie also likes to lie down and roll around in the towels after they have fallen off her head. When that happens she will fall on the towel and dig with her front paws, flipping on her back like some kind of circus dog. 

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