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When Sam wants something from us humans, she'll send her faithful loyal subject, Gabby, to tell us about it. Here is what she does.....
Sam will lay down behind Gabby then Gabs comes up us and pokes us
with her paw til we get the message. Then she looks back at Sam for further instructions. Hard to believe I know and if I wasn't actually there I would have a hard time believing it too. lol
Sammie must be sending instructions to Gabs telepathically because she will continue til the dumb human finally understands what it is they want (play, treat etc.)
Now who really is trained in this house? And the sad part is that we always give in to the two because, you have to admit, it is kind of cute.
I tried that 'mental telepathic' stuff
on the hubby to get him to take out the garbage. I concentrated so hard to send him the message. All I got out of it was a headache and a trip to the trash can outside. 

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