Hello Everyone
Well, today is Tuesday, the day after Halloween-Happy belated Halloween to all Sammie's friends and readers.

One of our neighbors came over last week and told us of her idea to dress up the dogs on our block in costumes while we took the kids around the subdivision trick or treating. 

Now those of you who have been reading my past blogs know how much Sammie loves getting dressed in the outfits I have bought for her. lol
I thought it would be fun to take Sammie outside of her fenced in yard to meet and greet the other neighbor dogs and humans. The hubby wasn't too fond of the idea, said the whole thing could go wrong in 0.2 seconds. Should have listened, because for the first time in 20 years he was right.....but don't tell him I said that. :-)

First, trying to get Sammie the Snorkie to put on the costume/outfit was almost impossible. Once she saw me go into box that I store her outfits, she hit the pet door. It took a bribe of a large cookie bones to get her back inside.
Finally got her dressed and we set out for our Snorkie Halloween Adventure. Sammie spotted the wienie dog from two doors down. Oddly enough the wiener dog was dressed as a hot dog.lol
I guess Sammie saw him as a meal on wheels because she went after the dog in a bun like she was shot out of a cannon. Fortunately, Sammie didn't do too much damage to the costume, just put a little hole in the bun. I told the owner Sammie just made the costume look more realistic by taking a bite out of the bun ....she wasn't buying it.

I guess Sammie saw him as a meal on wheels because she went after the dog in a bun like she was shot out of a cannon. Fortunately, Sammie didn't do too much damage to the costume, just put a little hole in the bun. I told the owner Sammie just made the costume look more realistic by taking a bite out of the bun ....she wasn't buying it.
Anyway, on we went, house after house having a pretty good time....until we hit the last house on the block
--sounds like the making of a horror movie doesn't it?

~Before I go on, I have to give you a little background as what I am about to tell you later in this story.
The hubby has been giving Sammie his old socks to play with. He will stuff them with little cookie bones and it keeps Sammie occupied trying to get the bones out of the sock to get her treat.~
We were walking up the driveway of the last house when coming in the opposite direction was a kid dressed as a sock monkey.
Now what are the odds of that??
Sammie saw him the same time I did...we both got excited but for different reasons.

Sammie saw him the same time I did...we both got excited but for different reasons.
The kid saw Sammie running towards him, heard me yelling at Sammie to Sit, Stay... so the kid did what kids do best...yelled and screamed his bloody head off. By now we had the attention of everyone on the block and I did what any other normal person would do. I asked the mother who in the right mind would dress their child up to look like a sock monkey anyway?? I mean come on, with all the cool costumes out there the poor kid goes out trick or treating dressed like a sock monkey?
Maybe next year I'll let the kid borrow one of Sammie's outfits for Halloween.
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