Hello Everyone
A few posts ago I mentioned how Sammie The Snorkie loved to take shoes she finds on the floor (and the hubby's underware) and take them out to the backyard. Well it has now expanded to sock stealing.
Heck, she even tries to take them out of your hand while you are trying to put the socks on your feet!
Our backyard looks like a Chinese Laundry exploded over the entire lawn. She loves to take them out....but does she bring them back in? Noooo............
I have watched Sam from the window to see what she does with them once she is in the yard. Sammie has the sock in her mouth then proceeds to the edge of the yard and prances around in front of the neighbors dogs who are outside watching her. After about 3 or 4 minutes of this Sammie loses interest, drops the sock and comes inside, only to be repeated when she finds another sock on the floor.
I read somewhere that the scent absorbed by socks and underwear makes them highly desirable to dogs. The hubby's underware??? Omg, the scent of the socks is bad enough....
Sometimes I am lucky enough to catch Sammie in the act of picking up a sock or a piece of underwear and start to walk away with it. I call out to her 'Sammie, no, come back here with that'! Then she would drop the sock or underwear but keep walking as if nothing had happened, or as if she were saying, “who me?”
Relatives staying with us are not immune from Sammie's behavior as well. The hubby's mother
had her 'Granny Panties' stolen right out of her suitcase by Sammie. The mother in law was in a panic when she couldn't find her panties, she swore that a sex pervert
broke into our house and we were to call the police immediately. Too bad Sammie can't 'steal' my mother in law and put her in the backyard....From my lips to God's ears.

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