Hello Everyone
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2011-2012 © All Rights Reserved. ®
Holidays are near and that means family visits. Because we live in a resort town near the ocean
we probably receive more visits from family members than those who live further inland, but we enjoy their company and gives us a chance to catch up on what has been going on since we last saw each other.

Of course our first visitor was dear Aunt Betty.
You would think after all the incidents that have happened in the past she would stay clear, but no, she called a few days ago and said she would be here Friday.

If you recall, in a couple of my previous posts, I mentioned Sammie's love for socks, underwear, slippers etc. If they are left on the floor she considers them hers.
She likes to play tug of war with the hubby's socks and jockey's and she will take my slippers outside never to be seen again.

This evening Aunt Betty and I were visiting in the living room, Sammie sleeping on the floor between us. Hubby was taking a shower so we used that time catching up on the latest news regarding our relatives.
Hubby comes out of the shower with a towel around his waist asking where his new can of shaving cream disappeared to. Now, I ask you, how in the world would I know the answer to that question? But that is a story for a different blog. lol
Sammie's ears perked up when she heard hubby talking and turned to look at him. Her eyes got wide when she saw the towel just hanging there...waiting to be grabbed.
Before I could stop Sam, she lounged at the towel, ripping it off my husband and proceded to run out the pet door with it. So there is hubby standing there in all his glory and poor Aunt Betty, her eyes as wide as Ricky Ricardo
from I Love Lucy,with her mouth open and just starring. It was kind of funny from my perspective but I wasn't the one standing there butt naked in front of a 78 year old woman.

Long story short, (sorry bad pun but I just had to) Aunt Betty recovered, hubby learned a valuable lesson and Sammie has herself a new towel to put in her bed.
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